Toward sustainability and efficiency.

The advantages of an electric charger combined with the flexibility of a mobile machine-this is what the new SENNEBOGEN 821 E offers with its integrated Powerpack.
26 January, 2024
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Credits: Recycling

Calabra Maceri e Servizi S.p.A. was founded in Rende (CS) – Italy, in the early 1990s, continuing with passion the family business, which has always been engaged in the field of integrated waste management, using the best available technologies, in full respect of the environment and sustainable development.

A new business approach, that of the Pellegrino brothers, aware that their profuse commitment to the territory, has contributed to activating virtuous processes of lifestyles with continuous attention to technological innovation and scientific research.Un nuovo approccio d’impresa, quello dei fratelli Pellegrino, consapevoli che il profuso impegno sul territorio, abbia contribuito ad attivare processi virtuosi degli stili di vita con la continua attenzione all’innovazione tecnologica e alla ricerca scientifica.

The company was founded with the aim of intercepting recovered materials from the total volume of waste produced in the urban area of Cosenza, in order to divert it from landfills and enhance it as a secondary raw material. From then to now, the company has significantly increased its volume of business (more than 95,000,000.00 euros in the year 2023) and has modern and efficient sorting, treatment and recovery facilities with an average of about 35,000 pickups per month with about 950 tons of waste per day, of which at least 80 percent is destined for recovery. A story that traces in values and corporate style that of Cesaro Mac Import, Calabra Maceri’s technology partner for Doppstadt shredding and Sennebogen handling machinery.

Calabra Maceri, now a leading waste management company in Calabria, continues to maintain its position at the forefront, thanks in part to Cesaro Mac Import with the purchase of a brand new Sennebogen 821 E-series electric machine that joins five other Sennebogen loaders and three Doppstadt shredders, including two DW electrics and a new Inventhor 6 K M for waste treatment. In an interview with the company’s president, we explored the rationale behind this choice, the technical specifications of the machine, and the expected impact on operational efficiency and quality of work.Continuous research and commitment to sustainability is an integral part of the company’s “We have built our reputation on two fundamental pillars: respect for the environment and the land and technological innovation. Strategic choices for sustainable growth were necessary, and choosing technology partners was one of them. From the initial purchase of the first Sennebogen bulky waste handling machine, dictated by the desire to be able to rely on a machine with great potential, reliability and whose value lasts over time, the growth path for Calabra Maceri began. As the CSS plant continued to expand, the number of machines grew and the decision to integrate Sennebogen machines became a natural consequence to meet the challenges of an increasing volume of materials.

It is the specific features of the latest machine that are once again evidence of a desire for sustainability and concern for the working environment. In fact, the Sennebogen 821 E that has just gone into operation at the plant has an exceptional feature. It is an electrically powered mobile loader with a 10-meter cable that enables it to move inside the waste sorting hall with ease and precision, without emitting gas and in a totally silent manner. A fundamental value for the operator and the working environment. But the power supply although it was the first motivation for purchase is not the only one, in fact the feature of the electric Sennebogen 821 E is the presence of a powerpack that allows it, once the power supply is removed, to move from one work or maintenance area to another independently.

Basically the sum of the advantages in one machine, continuous cable power supply for 24-hour shifts and mobility. A choice that aims at the well-being of workers as well as care for the environment, Calabra Maceri has always attached great importance to the well-being of its employees and the surrounding environment. The purchase of this latest machine is another improvement toward a safe and sustainable work environment.

It is not only the impacts on the environment and operators that made the Sennebogen 821 E Electric the choice, in fact the machine is one of the highest performing and most reliable loaders from the German company that has become a market leader for years. The 821 E Electric loader is capable of working in particularly dusty environments or in the presence of gas where Tier 5 Diesel engines would struggle to work and would be dangerous for operators. In addition, its readiness to work h 24 is guaranteed not only by the non-need for refueling but also by the very low routine maintenance restricted to only 1000 hours for changing the hydraulic filter, which can be removed outside the work area in a safe environment thanks to the presence of the powerpack that allows its mobility in autonomy. The operator while working inside the booth is safe, in fact the booth can be equipped with activated carbon filters or pressurization systems. Cesaro Mac Import’s ability to identify the type of machine needed for the process and to ensure timely service and maintenance with specialized personnel were key elements in the choice. The machine configured with a K11 arm will positively affect Calabra Maceri’s operational capacity with an increased volume of materials handled efficiently, quietly, sustainably and safely for operators. The company thus prepares for continued growth in CSS processing, having just completed the construction of a second shed to expand production. Looking to the future, Calabra Maceri stands as an essential piece in the Calabrian environmental sector, with services spanning waste collection, sorting, treatment and processing, the company is preparing to handle not only a greater quantity of materials, but also a wider variety of waste types, and Cesaro Mac Import will know how to be at its side with the necessary technologies.

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