Cesaro Mac Import believes in the importance of checking and verifying every single business process. The constant control is demonstrated by its certifications which are both mandatory and voluntary. The aim is to guarantee a service of the highest quality in compliance with current regulations.
The principles in this document outline our company’s commitment and what we expect from you, our suppliers, from the very beginning of our collaboration, along with the principles of behavior to adhere to when we work together.
ISO 9001 is the international standard that defines the requirements for a quality management system. It is a standard used by those companies asking to improve their performances, their processes and increase efficiency.
Thanks to the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification, the company can compete more effectively in the market and improve the satisfaction of its customers. Internal processes are managed more rationally, the corporate governance is more efficient and strong and resources optimized. ISO 9001 is also the basis for the implementation of the other management systems.Â
ISO 14001:2015 is the international standard for organization, intended which defines how an effective Environmental Management System must be developed.
ISO 14001 means concrete commitment to the environment.Â
To obtain the UNI EN ISO 14001 certification it is necessary to implement
a series of production and management strategies aimed at reducing environmental impacts. To achieve these environmental objectives, the organization analyzed each of its activities and the environmental aspects on which these may affect, taking as a reference all the laws and regulations in force and defined methods, times, means and resources to reach its target. The target of Cesaro Mac Import is to include the verification phase of the environmental aspects in every action and decision concerning the design of new processes, the modification of existing ones, in the choice of machines, equipment and products.
Cesaro Mac Import srl is also certified SOA Cat. OS14 class. VIII ° for participation in tenders for public contracts.
SOA Certification, issued by authorized Certification Bodies, is a mandatory certificate that proves the economic and technical capacity of a company to qualify for the execution of public tenders. This standard confirms that the certified subject possesses all the necessary requirements to subscribe a public contract.
Cesaro Mac Import implemented the energy management system ISO 50001:2018.
ISO 45001 contributes to risk mitigation and improvement of business performance by creating a safer work environment and a healthier workforce.
Cesaro Mac Import srl complies with the SA8000: 2014 standard for what concerns the design, sale and installation of waste treatment plants; for after-sales assistance, overhaul of plants, machinery and equipment for waste treatment.
In order to further consolidate its commitment to the area where it operates, Cesaro Mac Import has obtained the SA8000 certification. It is an international standard focused on the respect for human rights, for workers, safety and health conditions in the workplace and which rejects the exploitation of child labor. Social responsibility is one of the key factors in Cesaro Mac Import and its company policy. With this certification, the organization wants to undertake not only to meet the mandatory regulations, but to invest in human capital, in the environment and in relations with the territory
ISO 37001: 2016 – Anti-bribery Management Systems is applicable to all organizations whether in the public or private sectors. It sets out requirements for a management system designed to help an organization to prevent and avoid the risk of bribery in a reasonable and proportionate manner to the business sector, size and complexity of the organization.
Requirements of Anti-bribery management systems include:
• the identification of a Compliance Manager;Â
• the assessment of corruption risks;
• due diligence on projects and commercial partners based on the identified risks;
• carrying out financial and commercial controls;
• the implementation of procedures for reporting and investigating the phenomenon of corruption.
The standard does not overlap with the corruption risk prevention tools provided for by law (Corruption Prevention Plans Law No. 190/2012 or Organization Models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231), but intends to effectively coordinate the organization in order to prevent corruption by also integrating with other existing management systems. It is a valid evidence, recognized internationally, to support and proof of the existence and effectiveness of the Organization Model for the prevention of corruption offenses Legislative Decree 231, as already recognized for other similar schemes (OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001).
Cesaro Mac Import has adopted this standard because it aims to support a path of cultural change in organizations and Society, which is necessary to achieve more equal gender equality by overcoming the stereotypical view of roles, activating the great resource of female talents to stimulate the country’s economic and social growth.
Cesaro Mac Import pays attention to compliance with current regulations and standards, especially when it comes to the environment, which has always been at the heart of its corporate mission. That’s why the company constantly verifies that every process, from design to after-sales service, has procedures perfectly applied to reduce the environmental impact of its activities as much as possible.
In this section you can view all the accreditations that Cesaro Mac Import Srl holds in the areas of quality, environment, safety, energy, corruption, social responsibility, gender equality and information security.
Cesaro Mac Import Srl respects the Human Rights of Employees and Local Communities and is committed to promoting these principles with its Suppliers/Subcontractors by identifying and managing the environmental, social and economic impacts within the supply chain and committing to purchasing sustainable, ethical and responsible materials, goods and services.
Cesaro Mac Import, in its continuous commitment to the protection of all interested parties, adopted rules of conduct and operating procedures complying with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231 of 2001.
For further information please contact the Administration Office.
This Model is a tool for the prevention of criminal offenses and, above all, a precise choice of governance, through a formal system of rules, codes of behavior (such as operating regulations) and control. In compliance with the existing system, functions and internal procedures, it makes our organization transparent.
In accordance with the best standards, in particular with ISO 37001, the Board has appointed the Supervisory Body which can be contacted for any reports, communications or requests for information at the following email address: odv@CesaroMacImport.com; this e-mail box guarantees maximum confidentiality.Â
In this section you will find a copy of the main documents relating to Model 231:
• Ethical code
• Bribery prevention policy
• Overwiev of Model 231
• Organizational Model
To manage any irregularities or violations of the principles contained in our Code of Ethics and Human Rights Policy, we have established a whistleblowing management system that governs the analysis, investigation of reported irregularities and the adoption of any corrective measures and mitigating actions.
This system also applies to subsidiaries and can be used by all employees and collaborators, as well as third parties (since it is available on the website and through various channels). Finally, Cesaro Mac Import has equipped itself with the figure of the Diversity Manager. His main role is to identify and promote policies and practices of inclusion within the company, in order to enhance the different characteristics of each person and promote the integration of each employee and collaborator, regardless of their diversity.
Via delle Industrie 28/29, 30020 Eraclea (VE)
Via delle Industrie 28/29, 30020 Eraclea (VE)
Cesaro Mac Import Srl – Via delle Industrie 28/29 – 30020 Eraclea (VE)
C.F. / P.IVA: IT-03024640272 | Cap. Soc. € 5.000.000,00 i.v. | R.E.A. 276349 | Cod. SDI T04ZHR3
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